I noticed lately, there has been a lot of food waste in our household. Actually, waste in general, but as far as food goes, it has been about 10-20% of our food in unused leftovers, frozen food that is collecting freezer burn, and stale grain items. I decided the other day, before I buy food, I need to see what we already have and use that first, so I made out a menu plan using those items. This is a habit that was highly encouraged during both WWI and WWII, as rationing was required in both wars due to shortages.
I inventoried what we had in the chest freezer, the basement pantry and our kitchen storage. I found the following:
2# Beef Roast. 8 Chicken Drumsticks, 2-1#pkgs of Ground Beef, 5 Chicken Wings, a couple boneless/skinless Chicken breasts, a 1# Pkg of Hot Dogs, Frozen Stew Veggies (carrots, celery, potatoes, and pearl onions), 2 # Frozen Collards, 1 pkg Frozen Broccoli, 3-4 pkg Green Beans (why I keep buying them, I don't know), and 1 pkg each frozen Blueberries, Blackberries, Mixed Berries, and Peaches. I also found canned mixed fruit, peaches, apricots, pears, baked beans, tomato sauce and diced tomatoes, several pkgs of pasta, a cake mix, pie fillings, canned and dried beans, rice, and various grains. In the fridge there were a couple fresh pears, celery, carrots, leftover squash, leftover baked beans, cheese and eggs. I also found dried fruits, nuts, fresh potatoes, onions, and sweet potatoes. I also have the staples of flour, cornmeal, sugar, salt, spices, margarine, shortening, tea, coffee, condiments, etc. Taking ALL these items into consideration, I came up with the following menu.
So far, so good. Sometimes, there are little gremlins in the kitchen that like to eat foods I anticipate for other meals, like the "cheese napper", the "egg scrambler" and the "fresh fruit muncher". Wartime homemakers had a similar issue in that they would make out a menu, and an item they needed was not available due to shortages, so they would have to make on-the-fly menu changes, and still try to provide their families nourishing and satisfying meals. I try to be adaptable as well. Most baked goods can still be made, should I run out of eggs, and dried fruits can make good additions to meals too. I primarily use cheese as a flavoring, and less as a source of protein, making sure there is plenty of protein in other elements in the meal, from whole grains and legumes. I try to use the fresh fruits and veggies first, and I anticipate leftovers in the meal plan.
I'll have to let you know how this works out at the end of the week. I am hoping in the future, by doing my shopping and cooking more carefully, and making a conscious effort to NOT waste, I not only will eliminate some of our waste, but also, shrink our grocery bill a bit.